
Imagine a team of exceptionally skilled specialists with a comprehensive understanding of how to drive your career.

We're a team of professionals impassioned by managing talent careers that push limits.

Agency Cliquish was founded in 2021 as a response to the BLM protests with the belief that Black talent not only deserved corporate commitment, but also guidance and support to achieve their full potential. Our goal is to empower our talent, assisting them in overcoming obstacles and effortlessly reaching their aspirations, while fighting for fair compensation and brand accountability. We acknowledge and admire the diverse skills of our talent, and remain committed to helping them reach new heights.


We manage more than partnerships.

“They're truly an answered prayer.”

AC has been an immense resource in not only securing partnerships, but in content strategy, brainstorming ways to communicate and engage more deeply with my audience, and challenging me to push the needle further when it comes to delivering the best product possible. I can't say enough about AC. They're truly an answered prayer!

— Brandon

“I'm SO GRATEFUL I worked with Lita on my new home design. Everything was SO MUCH BETTER than I expected. It was a whoa.”

Chia migas aesthetic pok pok, hot chicken tousled PBR&B hashtag photo booth vaporware hexagon. Four loko fashion axe fam 3 wolf moon. Irony cronut godard twee tilde trust fund pork belly. Tilde twee portland, kinfolk copper mug thundercats truffaut cold-pressed venmo street art godard waistcoat.

— Sarah

"...there's so much growth that's been happening. It's exciting for me to finally see my work being received well and from such a new audience. Huge thanks to you guys for believing in me."